The plans for the Camera Upgrade:

	Change the plate scale of the NIRD (and eventually the
reincarnated MIRC) cameras to propoerly match the seeing.  At this
time, the MIRC camera is grossly undersampled, 2.2" pixels for 0.7"
seeing, and teh NIRD camera is grossly oversampled, ~.1" pixels. 

	Brian Suten (He is looking for a new position: you can contact
him at Lick) has worked with us to provide an excellent, absolutely
first-rate optical design.  This Baf2-LiF2 collimator-Lyot Stop-Camera
lens will be mounted in the NIRD Dewar.  In order to make room for it,
We have to add a snout extension.  

	I am still making drawings, but machining is scheduled to begin
roughly 2/1/95.  Two of teh four lenses ordered from Janos have
already arrived, we await the other two. 

	Images should come Feb 9 or so.